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Prescott Bank

now The Counting House

50 Cornhill, EC3
Built: 1891-92
Architect: Henry Cowell Boyes (1846-1900)
Listing: Grade II   (1997)

The facade on Cornhill.

Sandwiched between a rare (for the City) Modernist 1930s building and the last C18 house on Cornhill, the former Prescott Bank building at No. 50 manages to signal elegance without any hint of aloofness or pretensions of grandeur. The composition of tall banking hall followed by gradually more abbreviated upper storeys and bold terminating cornice is a well-balanced example of classical proportions and restrained, refined effect.

The double height ground floor is faced in rusticated Portland stone but the well-proportioned Tuscan columns and pedestals are in grey polished Aberdeen granite.  Above it, the successive storeys are faced in red brick and feature fully encased stone window surrounds. There are stout neo-baroque balconies on the third floor and a forcefully sculpted, balustraded cornice on top – featuring a full complement of mouldings, modillions and rosettes.

A properly executed classical façade calls for a forceful terminating effect, here provided by the cornice.

Among other details, note the spandrel carvings which perhaps refer to the family arms of the family arms of the bank’s original founders.  Some asymmetry is introduced by the pediment-and-oculus set above the western entrance, which could have more fruitfully been simply arcuated. Overall, Prescott Bank prefigures the Edwardian return to less eclectic references.

Detail of the ground-floor widow arches and spandrels.

The private bank was founded in 1766 (in Threadneedle Street) as Prescott, Grote, Culverden & Hollingsworth and, via a number of changes and mergers, became Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave, Tugwell & Co Ltd in 1891, as a joint stock bank. It then took over a number of smaller rivals and was simply renamed Prescott’s Bank in 1903. By 1918, further amalgamations brought it under the aegis of the National Provincial Bank, itself a precursor of the NatWest group. This location was a bank branch until 1997, when the Fuller’s pub chain bought it and turned it into a pub and hotel. From its establishment in 1895 until 2017, the City University Club was also located here in the upper storeys.

The former banking hall is now an ornate Fuller’s pub.

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